March 31, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex puts out two "special reports." One is embarrassing, the other is a complete disgrace.
March 30, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex discusses the 10 abortions he's had in the past
- Alex allows a white genocide narrative promoter to take over the show
- Alex screams a bunch about how his son is cooler than David Hogg
March 29, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex screams about how Muslims want to have sex with children, not recognizing that two of his guests on today's show have either sexually harassed underage girls online or adopted children for the purpose of having sex with them.
March 28, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex screams about China being the big evil in the world for a long time
- Alex gets incredibly violent in his rhetoric, shouting threats at his "enemies" multiple times throughout the episode
March 27, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex unveils his new video comparing Parkland survivors to Nazis
- Alex oversimplifies former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens' comments about the 2nd amendment
March 26, 2018
On today's episode:
- Alex makes a completely absurd argument about mass shootings
- Mike Cernovich makes it clear that he is really only motivated by money
March 25, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex and Owen Shroyer do their best to discredit the March For Our Lives, seeing as it is a pretty public spectacle that runs counter to many of their narratives.
- Alex talks about going to Six Flags
March 23, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex betrays his principles by saying that John Bolton being made National Security Adviser is totally cool
- Alex complains that a high schooler is bullying him
March 22, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex lies a bunch about YouTube banning gun videos because one of his sponsors got affected
- Laura Loomer stops by to demonstrate just how bad she is at undercover journalism
March 21, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex wildly misrepresents a story about a crazy guy "investigating" Seth Rich's death being shot by another crazy guy "investigating" Seth Rich
- Dr. Group shows up to talk about a chiropractor's perspective how the "Globalists" are trying to kill you, with "Disease X"
March 20, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex interviews a former (?) Kremlin adviser about how great Putin is
- Alex interviews a guy who trained his dog to be a Nazi
- Alex tries to pretend that the Cambridge Analytica situation is "no big deal"
March 18, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex has Lee Stranahan back on the show to complain more about how they're both being sued
- Alex begins to discuss the news about Cambridge Analytica, and misses the larger point, most likely intentionally
March 17, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex Jones puts out a "special report" that is supposed to be about Hillary being indicted, but is really just 25 minutes of him rambling about nothing while probably drunk
March 16, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex whines a whole bunch about how his free speech is being taken away, not realizing the irony that he was doing so, while streaming live on the very platforms he claimed were trying to silence him. He's very dumb.
March 15, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex explains that the human brain has a "interdimensional jump gate" that allows people to see the future
- Alex is just kind of spinning his wheels and puts in an uninspired show
March 14, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex continues the charade that the lawsuits against him have anything to do with free speech
- Alex and Gavin McGinness do some hacky stand up routines about how weird lesbians seem to them
- Steve Pieczenik calls George Soros a "Jew rat"
March 13, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex is getting sued by someone else, so he creates a strawman version of the lawsuit to respond to instead of dealing with reality
- The show is mostly rants and interviews about Alex and his guests' perceived oppression
March 12, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex calls British anti-Muslim agitator Tommy Robinson "the greatest patriot alive."
- Alex suggests that the bombings in Austin are "commie bombings"
- Alex tells a fake story of victimhood from his "vacation"
March 11, 2018
On today's show:
- Alex is still "on vacation," and has David Knight filling in. No chance we are listening to that.