Episode 427: April 29-30, 2020

Dan and Jordan discuss the disappointingly normal days after Alex declared his plan to eat his neighbors.

Topics covered include:

  • Alex lies about how crime is totally on the rise in “blue cities” after the coronavirus outbreak. Most crime is down in Chicago, as well as in New York and LA.

  • Alex talks anti-vax nonsense with Del Bigtree, who claims to be an independent journalist, but is almost entirely bankrolled by the Selz Foundation.

  • Alex interviews a former Satanic priest who thinks he has a mindblowing definition of “rights,” but he is just expressing very basic libertarianism.

  • Alex reveals that his concept of “race memory” is something that is only passed down to a person’s first born son. On rare occasions, it’s passed down to a daughter, and she will go on to become a queen. It’s a wild glimpse into a very unhealthy and chauvinistic mind.

  • Alex discusses his conception of world history. Apparently a sinister conspiracy began in Greece 2,300 years ago, then nothing notable happened until the days of the Bubonic Plague, and the Gutenberg Press. Alex doesn’t seem to realize that China had movable print technology developed long before that, because he doesn’t think non-European history is real.