Episode 426: April 27-28, 2020

Dan and Jordan discuss a couple of really weird days on The Alex Jones Show. This will always be remembered as the day when Alex decided to yell a bunch about how he was ready to eat his neighbors, and then broke down crying about his kids.

Topics covered include:

  • Alex lies about UV light related therapies that are being studied at Cedars-Sinai. He also lies about their YouTube and Twitter pages being taken down, when both are still up.

  • Alex misrepresents a USA Today fact-check about the claims that hospitals are making more money for Covid-19 patients.

  • Alex, noted Biblical scholar, believes that the Book of Hosea is the “Book of Jose.”

  • Alex forgets what “Anglo-American Establishment” means in his world, and accidentally says that we need to side with them, when that term actually means the same thing as “the Globalists.”

  • Alex says that 90% of people lived in rural areas in the Great Depression, but this number is not accurate.

  • Alex’s strategy to eat people for nutrition is not a great plan. Humans are not a good source of calories, according to research published in Nature. Also, a lot of people who engage in cannibalism have weirdly familiar personality traits to Alex.