Darrell Hamamoto


Darrell Hamamoto is a semi-regular guest on The Alex Jones Show and a former tenured professor at the University of California-Davis. In 2018, he retired after 22 years with the university.

In his earlier career, Professor Hamamoto was a trail-blazing scholar in the field of Asian American Studies. He did some important work, writing about the de-sexualization of Asian men in American culture. His interest in the topic led him to produce his own porno film starring an all Asian cast called Skin On Skin.

However, it appears that at some point, he became side-tracked from his area of expertise, and most of his writing and focus became based on the "New World Order."

Most of his theories are completely nonsensical. For example, he claims that former UC-Davis chancellor Linda Katehi held patents on antennas that she was using to transmit mind-control rays to the student body:

If that wasn't wacky enough, in 2018, he heavily implied that John Kerry's 2016 trip to Antarctica involved him checking in on weather control weapons that are based there.

He also thinks that pink guitars are gay:

Hamamoto As A Professor

By his own admission, Darrell Hamamoto does not have a good relationship with his students. In appearances on The Alex Jones Show, he frequently would speculate that students were being planted in his class as snitches, presumably on behalf of the school's administration that wants to take him out.

UC-Davis allows students to leave reviews of their professors, and looking over some of Prof. Hamamoto's reviews gives us a pretty interesting insight into what it would be like to be in his class.

A review from 2006:

Although I DO think he has a lot to offer as a professor, he IS a prick...He is a self proclaimed “reverse racist”, so if you are not asian taking this class, be extra careful not to do anything to piss him off, even more so if you are a guy.

A review from 2008:

I signed up for ASA2 with him, and dropped it after the first lecture. I laughed at half of the stuff he said, because it was ridiculous. The other half of it was pretty damned offensive. My roommate has told me that he attacks students that are the products of multi-ethnic relationships, and will literally try to blacklist TA’s that don’t agree with him from the Asian American Studies department.

A review from 2014:

I had him as a guest lecturer in an Asian American Studies class one day near the end of the quarter. Man, is that guy nuts! He’s into every conspiracy theory on the planet! I agree that Monsanto is a terrible company that doesn’t have my best interests in mind while maximizing profits, but he went on and on about how they are working with the Bilderberg group to sterilize all the minorities with cancers, especially of the reproductive organs, to eliminate them completely. He made a point to “search engine” it, “not Google” because Google is in on it and purposefully censors information about this genocide so the sheeple don’t find out.

Suffice it to say that not only is Hamamoto a person who does not practice academic thoroughness, but also that he is a bit of a racist, and apparently a really incompetent teacher.

Other Appearances

In 2014, Hamamoto appeared as a guest on Red Ice Radio, a specifically white nationalist and pro-fascist radio program broadcast from Sweden.

In 2017, conspiracy/New Age research-based YouTube show Unspun declared Darrell Hamamoto a "disinformation agent." Whether or not they are right, it is unclear, but this does demonstrate a distrust for Hamamoto, even within the "alt-media" world where his ideas would conceivably be the most popular.