Alex Jones cultivates an image of himself as a guy who has “done the research.” He constantly makes references to things he’s read, various books and papers that prove all his arguments, knowing that there is no way any of his listeners will ever go read any of them.

Below is a collection of some of the various primary sources that Alex uses to construct his propaganda, and full illustrations of how he has either not read any of them, or he is intentionally lying about what they say.

Bill Joy- “Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us”

Bill Joy- “Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us”

The Club of Rome publications

The Club of Rome publications

John P. Holdren- “Ecoscience”

John P. Holdren- “Ecoscience”

“Mandatory Service Bill”

“Mandatory Service Bill”

HG Wells- “New World Order”

HG Wells- “New World Order”

PNAC Document

PNAC Document

Title 50, Chap. 32, Subsection 1520a

Title 50, Chap. 32, Subsection 1520a

Aaron Russo

Aaron Russo

The MIAC Report

The MIAC Report

Fake Quotes

Fake Quotes

“And Now For A World Government”

“And Now For A World Government”

DoD Directive 1404.10

DoD Directive 1404.10