Episode 423: April 20, 2020

Dan and Jordan discuss Alex’s very not-chill 420 episode.

Topics covered include:

  • Alex believes that the Mark of the Beast has been announced in the part of a patent that he thinks is number 060606. The actual patent number is 0097951, the 060606 number is the publication number from the patent being filed with the World Intellectual Property Office.

  • Alex continues his outrageously depressing on-air behavior, all but declaring that his enemies cannot be defeated, and that he will soon be gone.

  • Alex barges off air after discussing a failed attempt at creating a social media website.

  • Alex tells a story of yelling at people at a grocery store because they judged him for not wearing a mask. Meanwhile, Alex is selling Infowars branded masks.

  • David Icke stops by to tell Alex about how Covid-19 doesn’t exist, and the pandemic is actually based on a fake, non-existent virus. Alex is pretty convinced by this argument, despite the fact that it completely invalidates pretty much everything else he’s pretended he’s proven about the virus so far.

Episode 421: April 16, 2020

Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones’ return to the studio after a couple days’ absence.

This episode covers: