Episode 458: July 14, 2020

Dan and Jordan finally get to hear Roger Stone appear on The Alex Jones Show.

Topics covered include:

  • Roger shows up and tries to make Alex feel special by signing his alleged commutation papers on air. It’s a sad display that impresses no one. Alex is eating lunch through most of his interview with Roger.

  • Alex doesn’t know the difference between “rite” and “right.”

  • Alex lies about David Rockefeller’s 1973 New York Times op-ed. It doesn’t say any of the things Alex claims.

  • Alex claims that flu deaths going down is a conspiracy, and not just the result of the fact that it’s July. Flu season ends generally in May.

  • Alex clearly has no idea who Haile Salassie is, which is embarrassing.

  • Alex has a “Christmas In July” sale going, which seems sacrilegious for someone like him to do. There really should only be one Christmas, since it’s Jesus’s birthday and all.

  • Alex lies about a data entry issue with Florida labs to pretend that all Covid-19 data is fraudulent. The labs in question did not realize that in a pandemic they are also expected to report negative test results, so some small privately owned labs were only reporting positive results. This led to some labs having a positive rate of 100%, but data analysis has shown that there’s no way that this had any impact on the state’s positive test rate. Alex makes up numbers about this story that in no way match the actual data you can find easily if you look.

  • Alex interviews Jim Hoft’s brother, who he keeps calling “Jim Hoft’s brother,” which is honestly sad for both of them.

  • Alex and Jim Hoft’s brother deny that there are tens of thousands of excess deaths being reported in the US this year.