Episode 429: May 3-4, 2020

Dan and Jordan discuss a couple days of Alex Jones’ show that ends up being much more about Alex’s cannibalism publicity stunt than anyone would like.

Topics covered include:

  • Alex’s lawyer Norm Pattis has filed to withdraw as his lawyer in the Sandy Hook case.

  • Alex discusses a supposed dossier put together by the 5 Eyes, which was covered in The Daily Telegraph and Fox News. It’s also mentioned in Foreign Policy, where it’s discussed how the dossier contradicts three of the 5 Eyes countries’ stated conclusions.

  • Alex lies about the CDC supposedly cutting the number of Covid-deaths in the US. The website this comes from explicitly says the numbers on the page are weeks behind.

  • Alex thinks an op-ed in The Hill about the possibility of a Hillary-Obama ticket is the revelation of the Globalists’ plan. In reality, it was written by a republican speechwriter who previously has written pro-Trump columns for the Daily Caller, and a book about how the South should secede in response to rising LGBTQ acceptance.

  • Alex misrepresents an article about his cannibalism rant in Forbes.

  • Alex probably has a bad grasp on A Modest Proposal. The target of Jonathan Swift’s satire is discussed in Elizabeth Hedrick’s paper.

  • Francis Boyle brings up a pretty good point about the number of excess deaths that countries around the world have seen since the beginning of the outbreak. Two articles in the Financial Times discuss research into this phenomenon.

  • Dan critically deconstructs Alex’s cannibalism rant to determine if there was any possibility of satire to be found therein. Spoiler alert: there is not.

  • Jonathan Swift’s non-satire work, like A Proposal for Giving Badges to the Beggars in all the Parishes of Dublin, shows a distaste for the poor.

  • Alex plays almost an hour of an interview from London Real with David Icke, even though that interview was Icke saying that there is no coronavirus, which is a massive contradiction of everything Alex believes