Episode 322: February 1, 2013
No King But Jesus
- Discussion of the roots of this quote
- Post Dispatch article about Charles Jennings
Bill Gates
- TED Talk
1949 Royal Commission on Population
- Discussion of the report
- Media backlash to report
Dr. Eric Pianka
- Transcript of Pianka’s speech
- Article about misquoting of the speech
- Pianka’s response
- University of Nations CFO arrested
Nathan Haddad
- Arrested for trying to sell illegal arms
Agenda 21
- Rosa Koire’s prior career
- Rosa Koire starting suspicious citizens groups
- Lawsuit
- Agenda 21 activist details
- Shutting down of Baldwin County, AL development plan
- Text of Agenda 21
Steven Anderson
- Anti-Obama sermon day before congregant goes to speech with a gun
- Steven keeps getting thrown out of countries