The Media Was "About To Release" A Tape of Trump Saying The N-Word

On the January 16th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex was on the road, ostensibly in preparation for the upcoming inauguration. A piece of news broke while he was gone, however, that demanded that he call in and cover it remotely. Here is the clip of him discussing this news item, then tragically playing the victim about having to hear black people say the N-word.

In this clip, Alex breaks the news that the media has a video compilation from outtakes on the set of the Apprentice, where Trump calls his son "retarded" and uses the N-word. His argument about the situation is that "they would have already released this tape, if it was real," which then gives way to, "if it is quote real, the word is that it is so heavily edited with jump-cuts" that it is really just taking stuff out of context.

This is very defensive posturing, and given the backstory of how this came to be. You can read the whole story here, but I will endeavor to give you the truncated version here.

A Scottish marketing professional, Markus Muir realized one day that Paul Joseph Watson, the editor in chief of InfoWars, had his direct messages set to public on Twitter. He wondered how far he could push a made up story, and eventually curiosity got the best of him, so he created a fake account with no followers, posing as an NBC insider, and sent him the fake story that Alex Jones reports in the above clip.

All the elements of his messages (which are documented, and you can read in the story here) are repeated by Alex. He goes so far as to call this unsolicited random messenger on Twitter as "an NBC source who looks looks like the source is at NBC; we have quite a few sources, I'll just leave it at that."

You can read the account, and listen to the clip included above, and reflect upon the fact that no such tape was ever released. If you do so, you're forced to come to a couple conclusions:

  1. InfoWars is incredible easy to trick, and thus, every story they've ever published is suspect based on this (more suspect than they were before, that is).
  2. Alex Jones not only lied about looking into this story, but also tacitly lied about how the source "looked credible," which implies that he engaged in some kind of vetting process. He clearly did not, and this calls every statement he has made or does make in the future that relies on an unnamed source into question.
  3. Alex Jones' immediate defense of Trump, when he clearly put no effort into researching the story, proves that he places a far higher priority on rationalizing negative stories about Trump than he does on reporting the truth. This should call just about everything he says about politics into question.

All in all, this string of events is a perfect encapsulation of the type of "journalism" that InfoWars engages in. Top to bottom, their lack of interest in the truth is fully exposed, and is on full display. This is the sort of thing that would destroy the career of any actual journalist, but thankfully for Alex, the professional standards are substantially lower for liars.